MRHS President's Message
Fall, 2024
Greetings fellow hostaphiles. Can it possibly be October already? Time flies when you're having fun. Like the fun we experienced this year with multiple very successful MRHS events.
It was great seeing everyone in person at the MRHS summer convention in Fond du Lac. Pat Gwidt and Glenn Herold hosted us and showed what can happen with a summer convention even without a
sponsoring local club. And in that same vein, a special congratulations to Dave Cocker on receiving the DeEtta Montgomery Outstanding Service Award, the highest honor bestowed by the MRHS.
Dave is a model of selfless service (working largely behind the scenes) that makes everyone around him even more successful. Look for my introductory remarks and Dave's acceptance speech
later in this newsletter.
I would be remiss if I didn't also mention the early 2024 success for our Winter Symposium. Attendance has been trending up in recent years with a growing interest in our speakers and our
reinvented live auction. Plans are already well underway for our 2025 Winter Symposium. MRHS Board member Phil Timm has assembled another impressive speaker lineup that will cover a
variety of hosta and related topics. Included in the newsletter is more info on the Winter Symposium as well as the registration form. The registration fee remains at only $69 for MRHS
members. That simply allows to (hopefully) breakeven on the event. Please don't wait until the last minute to register. Please help your President avoid those sleepless nights in January
and February by registering early.
In my remarks at the annual members meeting at the convention, I mentioned that what the society really needs is not so much your annual membership dues, but your active participation
in society events. Our trusty treasurer Mona Keehn reported that the MRHS has a strong financial position. In fact, all who attended the summer convention were given a complimentary
one-year extension on MRHS membership or given a complimentary new membership for 2024. Our challenge as a vibrant and thriving society is to support our two annual events; the summer
convention and the winter symposium. The lifeline of our society remains with these two in person events that stimulate new friendships and sustain longtime friendships. I'll remind you
once again. "What first brought us together was a plant, but what keeps us coming back is the people."
Can I issue a challenge to all our members? Consider bringing a gardening friend with you to the upcoming Winter Symposium. Maybe even someone new to hostas. Plant the seed and see what
happens. You might be surprised and so might your friend.
I look forward to seeing you in Milwaukee at our Winter Symposium on Saturday February 22nd.
Rob Mortko
MRHS President
To see the current newsletter, please join the Midwest Regional Hosta Society by contacting our Membership Chairperson or any of the Officers. Or, click here for a
printable MRHS Membership Form. By joining the society, you will receive your own copy of our informative and entertaining newsletter.